Silence Suppression is a technique used in VoIP systems to reduce bandwidth usage by detecting periods of silence during a call and not transmitting data during those moments.
A SIM Card (Subscriber Identity Module) is a small chip used in mobile devices that stores user information, such as phone number and network credentials, allowing access to mobile networks.
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is a standard communication protocol used for sending emails across the internet, responsible for transmitting messages from a client to a server.
SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) is used in IP-based communication systems to initiate, manage, and terminate voice, video, and messaging sessions, facilitating real-time communication.
SIP Connectivity refers to the connection of VoIP systems to external networks using the Session Initiation Protocol, enabling voice and multimedia communication over the internet.
SIP Trunking allows businesses to make and receive voice calls over the internet by connecting their phone systems to the public switched telephone network (PSTN) through SIP-based technology.