vT1 (Virtual T1) refers to the virtual emulation of a T1 line, providing digital transmission capabilities over a network without the need for physical T1 infrastructure.
vTCP (Virtual Transmission Control Protocol) simulates TCP functionality within a virtualized network environment, managing data transmission and ensuring reliability.
vTrunk refers to a virtual trunk line that connects multiple communication channels over a network, enabling voice or data traffic to be efficiently routed without physical lines.
A vTrunk Line is a virtual connection that mimics the functionality of a physical trunk line, allowing for the transmission of voice and data across multiple channels in a virtual environment.
A markup language used to design and develop voice applications, enabling automated systems to interact with users through voice commands.
WAN (Wide Area Network) is a large network that connects devices across vast geographic areas, often spanning cities, countries, or even globally, using technologies like leased lines or satellites.