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  • icon clock

    34% Reduction in IVR Time

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    87% Accuracy in Customer Intent

  • icon home trend

    11% Reduction in AHT

    icon diagram

    Greatly Improved NPS

  • icon repeat

    40% Decrease in Call Transfers

    icon messages

    61% Containment Rate

Info Section

Company Brief

Best Buy Canada is Canada’s largest consumer electronics retailer and the most visited multichannel retailer with over 250 million in-store and online visits. Its key purpose is to enrich the lives of its customers through technology.

Best Buy has won multiple awards including but not limited to Canada’s Top 100 Employers, Retail Council of Canada Excellence in Retailing Awards – Omnichannel, Strategy Shopper Innovation Awards – Retail Innovator of the Year, Canadian HR Awards – HR Team of the Year and more.

The Challenge

Best Buy Canada encountered challenges with its aging legacy contact centre technology stack. These challenges included fragmented reporting, limited visibility into performance metrics and access to call recordings. The existing infrastructure struggled to adapt to fluctuating demand, particularly during high-traffic periods.

This case study delves into how Best Buy Canada, in partnership with Star Telecom, implemented the Genesys Cloud CX solution, leading to transformative improvements in customer and agent experiences (CX and EX).

The Solution

Star Telecom provided Best Buy Canada with a comprehensive cloud- based solution, integrating Genesys Cloud CX CCaaS with an advanced Salesforce Connector. This innovative approach facilitated:

Unified Technology Stack: Centralizing operations across all departments and external partners, allowing seamless data access, and coordination.

Scalability: Enhanced ability to handle peak interaction volumes, especially during critical shopping periods, without compromising customer experience.

Salesforce Integration: significant reduction on interaction handle times achieved by providing immediate customer information access to agents, streamlining the case creation process.

Command and Control: The migration to Genesys allowed Best Buy to establish a command-and-control model, providing visibility into Vendor performance and enabling informed decision-making that has further enhanced the customer experience. By extending the single technology stack (Genesys Cloud) across all internal departments and external BPO partners, access to data throughout the customer journey is now presented in a singular view with far less coordination and reporting across multiple platforms.

Quantitative and Qualitative Outcomes:

The migration to Genesys Cloud CX led to significant improvements:

Efficiency Gains:

  1. 11% reduction in Average Handle Time (AHT) due to automatic case creation and call information provision by the NLU IVR.
  2. 40% decrease in call transfers and a 34% reduction in IVR time, facilitating faster customer routing to appropriate departments.

Customer Satisfaction:

  1. Improved Net Promoter Score (NPS) year-over-year
  2. 87% accuracy in customer intent understanding by the NLU bot within four months of deployment.
  3. 61% containment rate for inventory lookup queries for customers who have a web code/SKU available.

Agent Experience and Coaching Improvements:

  1. Improved agent experience with instant access to caller information and history, leading to more effective call handling.
  2. Enhanced training and performance evaluation through accessible call recordings and Quality Management
  3. Better Agent experiences through more personalized and efficient coaching interactions.
  4. Faster turnaround time in handling escalations and account investigation with instant access to call recordings and analytics

Through comprehensive training and phased implementation, Best Buy Canada and Star Telecom successfully mitigated these challenges.


At a glance

Customer Name Best Buy
Industry Retail
Location Canada
Company Size 10k+ Employees
Contact Center Genesys Cloud CX Star Telecom Salesforce Connector


  1. Fragmented reporting
  2. Limited visibility into performance metrics
  3. Limited access to call recordings


  1. Unified Technology Stack
  2. Salesforce Integration

Conclusion Section


Best Buy Canada’s successful migration to the Genesys Cloud CX platform, executed in partnership with Star Telecom, marks a significant step in its commitment to excellence in customer service. The transition to a streamlined, efficient cloud-based solution has yielded substantial improvements in both CX and EX. Best Buy Canada now enjoys enhanced performance visibility, reduced operational costs, and an elevated overall customer experience, setting a new standard in retail customer service.
Best Buy Canada continues to explore further enhancements with Genesys Cloud CX, aiming to leverage more advanced features for continuous improvement in customer engagement and satisfaction.

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